Feb 6, 2009

About her Name and More

Our daughter was born on March 22, 1991 at 11:03pm and was named Tara Jo Ashley TJ Oickle Mabie.

There is also some things that we all have to look at in our families. You see she was born one hour before my dad's birthday. Joey's birthday is May 17th and he was born one hour before his mother's birthday. Also their is 4 of us in the family from the same father, the first 2 are blue eyed and right handed and the last 2 are brown eyed and left handed. The 2 oldest were born 1 year and 3 days apart, and the two oldest grandchildren were born 1 year and 3 days apart. My dad is an only boy in the family, and I only have one brother, and there is only one Grandson in the family.

We had agreed when I found out I was pregnant that he wanted to name the girl and I would name the boy, and we see who won. I never had any problem with this because Joey was never suppose to be able to father children because of complications when he was a little boy.

Tara is after Joey's only brother Terry who passed away in 1982. Jo is after her dad Joey and also a good friend of his family, had a daughter and called her Joanne after Joey so we just used the Jo. Ashley is after her grandfather, his middle name was Ashton and we couldn't think of anything else to use for a girl, so we changed it a little bit. We also didn't know that you can spell Ashtyn for a girl, because that is what it would of been instead of Ashley. TJ is because Joey's brother that passed away had a son Timothy James Joseph and he wanted him called TJ but his wife wouldn't do that. She said his name is Timmy and that is what he will be called. We also put Oickle-Mabie on her name because I wouldn't just give her Joey's last name because we weren't married at the time. We got married when she was 3 years old and then we changed her name and took out my maiden name.

Learning Experiences

If I could turn back time I would take a picture of my daughter everyday. You never realize how fast they grow up until you are looking at them and they are Graduating. You see your children everyday so you don't realize how fast they are maturing and changing and growing their own independence.
As my mother told me after I had my daughter that you will see how fast it goes once she starts school. She said once they start school in September you just get turned around and they are off for Christmas Break for two weeks. They go back to school in January and then sometimes you have storm days and teacher days off and then it is March Break for a week. They go back and you have a few days off at Easter and then you are at June and they are off for the summer. Two months off and vacation time to get away with them and then they are back in school. You keep doing this year after year and you are growing older with them.

Feb 5, 2009

Bumps in the Road

As we move through the process we have Bumps In The Road but they make us stronger and better prepared for what we have to over come.
TJ wanted to take the Dental Hygenist program but when she was ready to registered she got a little discouraged because you have to take an Appitude Test and she was really scared because you had to pay for this and if you failed then you had to do it again and pay almost $300.00 to do so.
So then she had her heart set on who she wanted to take for a date, but then the guy decided that he would be out west and didn't know if he would get back to go to the Prom so she had to get someone else. That worked out better because she found someone that she has been in Band with for the last few years. He agreed to go with her, so she was happy.
On January 27th she started her Co-op class at school, at first they had to do some classroom time to learn things about going out to the work forse. It was all set she was going to a Dentist Office her in town, actually it was our dentist, and we were happy with that. Until she got the let down on Wednesday, February 3rd she went to see the teacher and he said he had to talk to her, and he sat down in a chair. She was ready for the let down and he told her that the dentist had a little bit of a mix up and Darie, the other girl that was going, the Hygenist decided to take her, so now no place to go for Co-op. The teacher has to start checking around to find somewhere else for TJ to go. TJ went to class on Thursday and the teacher wasn't there for the class, and no school on Friday. They are suppose to start going to their Job Places on Monday and she doesn't have anywhere to go. TJ went to her first period class on Monday, February 9th and then she left and got to come home. She came back to the school at 1:00 for her Co-Op class and then she came and told me that she would be doing her course right there in the school in one of the classes with one of the teachers. The let down of not getting to go to a dentist office to get the experience before she goes to College. Maybe this will be better for her because she won't pick up any bad habits and will learn the right way from College when she gets into the classroom.

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams"